Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Great Society: Big Ideas

School Desegregation Montgomery Bus Boycott Tallahassee Bus Boycott Freedom Rides March on Washington Children's Crusade Freedom Summer Selma March and Bloody Sunday own words) Boycott – refusal to deal with something, such as a business, as a protest to force some kind of change Civil disobedience – intentional breaking of a law in a nonviolent or passive manner Civil Rights Movement – social movement of the asses ND asses to establish equality and civil rights for African Americans Integration – acceptance and equal access for all people into a group or place Segregation – enforced separation of groups Social activism – use of direct action to bring about social change 7. 03: Minority Rights: The Big Ideas How were the Civil Rights Movement and other social movements of the asses similar? How were women viewed by most of society in the asses? How did this change in the ASSES?What was the Equal Rights Amendment? What happened to it? Who were the United Farm Workers? How did they fight for their cause? What was the Native American Power movement? How did life change for Native Americans in 1953? What did Native Americans gain through social activism in the asses and early ASSES? Gray Panthers (Who were they and what did they fight for? ) National Organization for Women (NOW) (What were their goals? ) Betty Friedman Phyllis Scholarly Cesar Caves Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (How did it affect different minority groups? ) 1961 – President's Commission on the Status of Women Title IX was passed

National Curriculum Subject Of Science

In this assignment I will be looking at the National Curriculum topic of Science. I shall be looking at be aftering a scientific discipline lesson and instruction to a whole category. I will look critically at facets of the scientific discipline course of study, including the Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS ) . Once the scientific discipline lesson has been taught, I will measure how good the lesson went, if there was any jobs and if there was, how they were overcome. When be aftering the lesson I will look at the misconceptions in scientific discipline and how resources/strategies help to put these misconceptions straight. I will besides look at ICT in the scientific discipline course of study and how ICT was used in the planned and taught scientific discipline lesson. The manner scientific discipline is taught has been good discussed with those who say that kids should be taught scientific discipline and those who say kids should be taught to hold an apprehension of scientific discipline. Cockburn ( 2001 ) provinces, â€Å" Others hold a well- established position that a chief purpose of school scientific discipline is to advance enthusiasm for the topic and to heighten students ‘ apprehension of, and, involvement in, scientific issues in big life. † ( Cockburn, 2001, pg 183 ) So Cockburn believes that instructors should teach kids in a manner that excites them, and wants them to be influenced in their adult/ calling life. However in the Independent reappraisal of the Primary Curriculum: Concluding study, it looks at the instruction of Science as, â€Å" Scientific and technological apprehension. † ( Rose, 2009, pg 47 ) Rose believes that kids should be taught to hold merely an apprehension of scientific discipline instead than hold learning that leads them to desire a calling in scientific discipline. As a practician I believe that the topic of scientific discipline should be taught to hold an apprehension of scientific discipline. This apprehension should be taught with such creativeness and enthusiasm that the kids will desire to detect and research on their ain. After looking at the National Curriculum for Science, and talking with the category instructor, it was decided that the subdivision on visible radiation and dark was to be taught following. The kids had a basic apprehension on light and dark, due to them holding a brief debut to the topic in a old hebdomad. As the kids are in Key Stage One, in conformity with The National Curriculum for Science ( 1999 ) kids are to be taught, â€Å" To place different visible radiation beginnings, including the Sun. † and â€Å" that darkness in the absence of visible radiation. † ( QCA, 1999, pg19 ) The instruction of light and dark at this phase helps to construct up a foundation for subsequently larning linked to light and sound. An earlier foundation is built in the EYFS, for a acquisition of Science. Such ends are, â€Å" Find out about their environment, and speak about those characteristics they like and dislike. † ( DCSF, 2008, pg 15 ) This builds a foundation for visible radiation and dark ; this is because light/dark is portion of their environment. This end besides allows for schoolroom treatment which is cardinal for their societal edifice accomplishments at this phase. Another foundation gal that is linked to the visible radiation and dark subdivision is, â€Å" Observe, happen out about and place characteristics in the topographic point they love and the natural universe. † ( DCSF, 2008, pg 15 ) This helps to construct a foundation, as the kids are taught about things that occur in the natural universe, i.e. visible radiation and darkness. After light and dark has been taught at Key Stage One, the acquisition continues into Key Stage Two. The first thing that kids are taught is, â€Å" That light travels from a beginning. † ( QCA, 1999, pg 26 ) Others include, that when visible radiation is blocked it forms shadows, that on brooding surfaces the light reverberates and eventually that the visible radiation has to come in our eyes to enable us to see. ( QCA, 1999, pg 26 ) The foundations are built in the EYFS with the kids being taught to detect the universe around them ; this creates a basic cognition needed to reassign to Key Stage one and two. I shall now critically reflect on the scientific discipline course of study, looking at the scientific discipline on a whole. Newton, 2000, pg 232 describes how the scientific discipline course of study faces issues on a whole, â€Å" Here we will look at the demand for you to see certain operational affairs in the primary scientific discipline schoolroom such as jobs of schoolroom administration and direction and the ways in which you and the kids interact during lessons. † So before contemplation on the course of study its ‘ ego, the agreement and way of the schoolroom has come under examination. Newton believes that administration affects the instruction of scientific discipline ; nevertheless Garson looks at how the resources are the precedence. â€Å" A utile manner of guaranting that the schoolroom a instructor plant in is contributing to making scientific discipline activities is to name the demands created by such activities and so guarantee that it is possible, within the peculiar restraints imposed by the school, to fit those demands every bit about as possible. † ( Garson, 2007, pg 78 ) Another issue has been brought up by the Houses of Parliament, â€Å" Factors within primary schools that may impact students ‘ involvement in scientific discipline, include ; whether scientific discipline instruction is adapted by single schools to reflect the involvement of their students ; the focal point on readying for SAT ‘s trials in the last twelvemonth of primary school ; primary instructors ‘ degree of scientific cognition and assurance in learning scientific discipline. † ( Houses of Parliament, 2003, pg 2 ) They believe that there are issues in the primary course of study that discourage the acquisition and enthusiasm of the kids in the schoolroom. However Mertler, 2005, pg 217, writes about a survey conducted with parents and kids. He summarises the decision of the survey, â€Å" 60 % of the parents considered their kids enthusiastic or really enthusiastic about larning scientific discipline both before and after the survey. † The survey was conducted one twelvemonth after the papers from the Houses of Parliament was published. It could be looked upon the papers assisting the instruction of scientific discipline ; by instructor improving and accommodating their instruction methods. Although it is possible that no alterations were implemented and the position of instructors, parents and kids changed for no ground. Another issue in scientific discipline is the job of misconceptions. As described by Tweed, â€Å" The word misconception denotes an mistake in believing about the scientific discipline construct, while prepossession is frequently more accurate, since the thoughts arose from their ain experiences and without formal scientific discipline direction. † ( Tweed, 2009, pg 104 ) Tweed believes that there are lone prepossessions instead than misconceptions. This is because kids perceive scientific discipline from their experience instead than holding a misconception due to deficient instruction. Dean discusses why there could be possible misconceptions in the scientific discipline course of study, â€Å" Children attack scientific discipline with thoughts of their ain about why things are they manner they are and these theories are frequently incompatible with the thoughts instructors want them to larn. † ( Dean, 2005, pg 80 ) The Committee on Undergraduate scientific discipline instruction, 1997, pg 27 looks further into the quandary of misconceptions in scientific discipline. They province, â€Å" Students are frequently able to utilize algorithms to work out numerical jobs without wholly understanding the implicit in scientific discipline construct. † They speculate that kids can cognize replies to inquiries, frequently through rote, but non hold any apprehension of the scientifical background. If kids have no apprehension of the scientifical background of things so how can this aid with their job work outing accomplishments? Looking more closely at misconceptions in scientific discipline, I will now concentrate on light and dark. Looking at the misconceptions in the visible radiation and dark subdivision will assist me be after my lesson subsequently. The first misconception that I come across was that some kids believe, â€Å" The oculus is the lone organ for sight ; the encephalon is the merely for thought. † ( Weiler, 2009 ) Although this is non straight elated to light and dark on the whole it is linked. This is because kids need to larn that the visible radiation helps us to see, but we can utilize our other senses to happen things. A survey conducted by Pine, Messer and St.John, 2001, pg 11, besides noted some misconceptions of kids, some of these include, â€Å" One kid thought you light a bulb by seting it in the Sun, another believed that visible radiations are the chief beginning of visible radiation. Four instructors highlighted the misconception that the Moon is a beginning of visible radiation. † St John, Pine and Messer, 2001 conducted a he-man with instructors on the misconceptions in scientific discipline. There were many misconceptions within the scientific discipline course of study. It is hard to understand how kids have these misconceptions/ prepossessions. Where the kid thought that a light bulb demands to be put in the Sun to visible radiation, it is possible that this is a prepossession instead than a misconception. The kids might hold experience with solar energy, but non hold the scientifical apprehension that the bulb could be powered in an alternate manner. However, if there are possible misconceptions for the visible radiation and dark subdivision, it is accomplishable and indispensable to get rid of them. There are many ways to subvert misconceptions ; the most good is published by the Committee on Undergraduate scientific discipline instruction, 1997, pg 30, â€Å" Carefully selected presentations are one manner of assisting pupils overcome misconceptions. † This peculiar system of get the better ofing misconceptions helps kids who are kinesthetic scholars, as kids learn best by making. If the instructor was to utilize shows with the kids, the ‘hands on ‘ larning attack will assist to overcome the misconceptions. Bing able to place possible misconceptions and how to get the better of them is acute to assist when be aftering lessons. Planing lessons is important to assist raise the accomplishment of the kids and to run into the standards set by the National Curriculum, â€Å" There are four chief schemes for raising accomplishment. They are: a planned course of study that has both comprehensiveness and deepness ; strategies of work that break down the course of study into manageable balls ; effectual lesson programs ; distinction, so that each kid is able to work to his or her ain potency and non execute undertakings that are either excessively easy or excessively hard. † ( Smith, 2002, pg 96 ) If instructors are to learn to the right criterion and beyond so they should be after their lessons with links to the National Curriculum. Using the QCA strategies of work will assist every bit will the use of distinction. As cited earlier the kids will be looking at the visible radiation and dark subdivision of the scientific discipline course of study. The misconceptions faced earlier are assistive towards the planning of the lesson. This is because presentations will be projected to help kids repress their misconceptions. Teachers besides need to be after for distinction during any topic, nevertheless from experience it can assist to hold assorted ability groups that will back up each other. Newton, 2000, pg 216 describes how instructor should travel about planning for scientific discipline, â€Å" When planning for scientific discipline there are four peculiar standards you need to thing about ; comprehensivenesss, balance, continuity and patterned advance. † Newton conceives that to be after a scientific discipline lesson, instructors should believe about ‘breadth ‘ . The ‘breadth ‘ agencies to cover a broad scope of each subdivision ; non merely concentrating on each sub-section separately. The ‘balance ‘ of the planning is the balance of learning for an apprehension and consecutive frontward learning. ‘Continuity ‘ is linked with the appraisal, guaranting that the kids to the full understand before traveling on to the following subject. Finally ‘progression ‘ can besides be associated to continuity. It focuses more on guaranting the kids have a full apprehension and any misconceptions have been overco me. When be aftering the lesson I felt it was needed and good to re-cover any anterior cognition they may hold. Walker, 2008, pg 9 besides suggests utilizing this clip to recap old lessons/ cognition, â€Å" In a typical hr lesson this will take 5-10 proceedingss. Its intent is to give pupils a spirit of the lesson and to acquire them believing. Alternatively it could be an activity to arouse what they remember from a old lesson. † The starting motor of the lesson will be a PowerPoint that will be synergistic and able to be used on the SMART Board. I decided to utilize PowerPoint as it is package that can be projected onto the SMART Board which will enable the kids to interact with the PowerPoint. Likewise PowerPoint is package that I have a batch of experience with, so I am able to determine that it is an exciting stimulation for the kids. Miller, Averis and Sherran, 2004, pg 7 describe in item how good utilizing PowerPoint/ synergistic whiteboard in the schoolroom can be. They suggest that it can motivate both the kids and the instructor ; in many instances it can help concentration. It is besides non clip consuming, leting farther clip for independent work. Potter and Roberts, 2002, besides study on the benefits of utilizing PowerPoint, â€Å" Using a computing machine helps pupils to widen their concentration and doggedness ; since they are extremely motivated to win in their undertaking, students will persist for far longer that they would with a undertaking on paper. † PowerPoint helps all kids with their concentration non merely those who are ocular and kinesthetic scholars. Looking at my ain experience in the schoolroom, when other instructors have used PowerPoint I have observed kids, who ne'er typically answer, seting their manus up and holding a attempt. I chose to utilize PowerPoint over any other package because of the broad scope of interaction and media available when utilizing it. Besides it is compatible with about all laptops and desktop computing machines, so there would be no issues, during the lesson, with compatibility. However some believe that there are issues when utilizing PowerPoint in the schoolroom, Brown, 2007, pg 1 notes that in some instances people/children can go un-affected by PowerPoint ‘s if they are used excessively much and in emanation. However it could be argued that if the presentations were synergistic and prosecuting so neither the kids nor the instructor would go tired of them. Chin, 2004, pg 29 besides notes a frequent issue when utilizing PowerPoint in the schoolroom. He believes that some instructors can be allured by the broad scope of media available and over usage it, therefore doing it endearing but besides deflecting for some kids. On the other manus the scope of media used, could, show a benefit to those in the schoolroom. This is because each type of media ( exposures, sketchs, picture, sound or graphs ) is suited to cover all of the different acquisition manners that the kids have. ICT should be used in the schoolroom at a assortment of times whether it is to ; present a subject, re-cap old lessons work, to informally assess kids or as an educational activity for those kids who have finished their work early. However there are besides times when ICT should non be used, the main clip is when a kid is fighting with their work ; this clip should be a one to one instructor focal point clip. The PowerPoint I used in my lesson links to the larning nonsubjective, â€Å" That there are many beginnings of visible radiation. â€Å" ( QCA, 1998, pg 2 ) This is taken from the QCA Schemes of work for Science. The PowerPoint ( Appendix A ) links to this peculiar acquisition aim. This is because it asks kids what kind of beginnings of visible radiation they can believe of. Then to widen their cognition the kids are so able to play a game placing the light beginnings. As I used PowerPoint during my lesson instead than any other ICT, I feel that the lesson flowed more easy. Besides as I used ICT at the beginning of the lesson I sense the kids were focused. By utilizing an synergistic piece of package I was able to detect the kids and inquiry them, whilst they were playing the game. Sing the PowerPoint and the kids in footings of accomplishment I feel as though it did assist the kids to carry through. The PowerPoint helped the kids meet the required acquisition aim, it besides help the kids to derive an apprehension of the many available light beginnings. When be aftering the independent portion of the lesson, I felt that this was the best country to assist get the better of the kids ‘s misconceptions. As radius about earlier the best manner to get the better of the misconceptions is through presentation. Wragg and Brown, 2001, pg 15 besides back up the theory of ‘how ‘ , â€Å" Wrapped inside a ‘why? ‘ inquiry is frequently a ‘how? ‘ inquiry. † The best manner to reply ‘how? ‘ is to actively include the inquirer in a presentation, this is frequently more helpful as the kids learn best by making, which Wragg and Brown ( 2 ) , 2001, pg 56 besides back up, â€Å" Most kids ( and grownups ) learn best when actively involved. † I decided to cover the learning aims, â€Å" That visible radiation is indispensable for seeing things † and â€Å" That when it is dark other senses can be used to assist us happen things and place things. † ( QCA, 1999, pg 2 ) To make this I covered three of the school desks with blinds, towels, covers and other stuff, I so ensured that under the tabular array was in darkness. I so laid out a assortment of objects under the tabular array and on the roof of the tabular array for the kids to happen. ( Appendix B ) I chose a few kids at a clip out of the category, before they went under the tabular array I questioned them as to how they were be aftering to happen the objects as it was traveling to be dark, this was to re implement the ‘different senses ‘ portion of the acquisition aim. Once the kids had found two or three objects, they were so asked to come out and place the object and state the others what they thought it was. For the plenary of the lesson I decided to garner all the kids on the rug to discourse they activity that they had merely done. I asked the kids about what they had used to happen the objects e.g. their custodies. I besides asked them about how they knew what each point was, this was to guarantee that they had achieved the lessons larning aim. The appraisal of the kids was done throughout the lesson ; this was done by observation of the kids ‘s apprehension during the lesson debut. This was besides done through oppugning the kids during the chief portion of the lesson on what senses they will utilize to happen the objects. The usage of oppugning during the lesson is as fast and easy attack of appraisal, â€Å" Questioning is one of the most utile methods of distinguishing appraisal. Oral and written responses to varied degrees and types of inquiries help the instructors officially and informally acquire an thought of how the category and single pupils are understanding the constructs of the unit of survey. † ( Northey, 2004, pg 146 ) As there was no written work, observation and oppugning were the most expert methods of appraisal during this lesson, it besides helped as I could en-visage if any of the kids were fighting during the starting motor and give them excess support. As this was a scientific discipline lesson none of the kids were split into ability groups. This was besides because for most of the lesson the kids were on the rug, those who were of lower ability were given excess support from the Particular Support Assistants, Farrell affirms this belief, â€Å" However, the chief ways of differentiating can be brought together in six attacks. These are: distinction by result, undertaking, support, schoolroom administration, resources and extension. † ( Farrell, 1999, pg 50 ) After learning the lesson, I experience that the lesson had really few major jobs. It is evident that the usage of play/demonstration helped the kids to larn, this is supported by many theoreticians. An old Chinese adage says, â€Å" I hear I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. † ( Conficius, 551BC- 479BC ) If kids are to hear they bury, if they see something they will remember it, nevertheless if they do it they will grok the construct behind it. One job during the chief instruction activity was that under the tabular array, it was non dark plenty, which would consequence the result of placing the object. This was easy overcome by adding more stuff to do it darker. The kids were engaged while the PowerPoint was on during the lesson, although the game did over run into the chief instruction of the lesson, with respects to clip ; as a effect there was small clip for me to make inquiries with the kids. This nevertheless was overcome by oppugning them, whilst they were waiting to make the undertaking. The inquiring was an indispensable portion of the lesson, as mentioned before it was portion of the appraisal of the kids. In future when composing lesson programs, I shall compose approximative timings in each box, to guarantee that there is clip for oppugning. As I had planned portion of the lesson to get the better of any possible misconceptions or prepossessions I can be certain that the kids did non complete the lesson with any of them ; this is critical to the scientific discipline lessons subsequently in each cardinal phases. I feel as though the usage of ICT did better the instruction and acquisition of the lesson, I felt as though it helped to better and keep their concentration and apprehension. Williams, 2003, pg 8 besides agrees, â€Å" If the admiration and exhilaration of scientific discipline is non to be lost, so it is imperative that ICT should be included, non merely to streamline to treat, but to actuate the kids and heighten the quality of their acquisition. † However Farmey, 2002, page 131, notes a logical point that many instructors should inquire themselves, the followers, when believing about utilizing ICT, â€Å" Is the usage of ICT a better method than pencil and paper? The method hence being considered must offer advantages over the other attacks ; if it does non so the usage of ICT should be questioned. † In response to Farmey ‘s thought, looking at my usage of ICT in the lesson, I do non believe that the kids would hold benefited every bit much as they did if I was to hold used another method of learning. The acquisition was synergistic, and all the kids desired to hold a attempt at replying. Although another job faced was some of the kids gave unhoped replies in order to seek and utilize the synergistic whiteboard. If I were to utilize this type of presentation once more I would turn it into a merriment game where if they were to give a cockamamie reply I would be able to steal one of their points. On farther analysis of my lesson I do experience as though farther distinction was needed. Upon reiterating a similar lesson I would guarantee that those of lower ability were observed and assessed ( informally ) to guarantee that they had a clear apprehension. Upon looking back at the lesson program and the lesson itself, I have found three cardinal countries to look upon in the hereafter. These are ; the timing of the lesson, guaranting full distinction of the kids and besides guaranting the resources/ activity are equal. The first affair that asks for attending is the timing of the lesson ; this is indispensable to guarantee that the kids are covering all that is planned, â€Å" Regularly running out of clip alters the balance of the lesson and means the decision is neglected. † ( Overall & A ; Sangster, 2003, pg 181 ) Clocking demands to be kept in order for a full and proper plenary to take topographic point. The plenary of the lesson is where the chief portion of appraisal is done, if there is limited clip to make the appraisal so this does non organize an accurate history. Differentiation is another thing that needs attending in the hereafter. Although there was distinction, with the particular support helpers assisting the lower ability kids ; I feel as though there could hold been more accent on it. Hayes, 2006, pg 63 expressions at distinction being in two classs, â€Å" There are two chief types of distinction used by primary instructors. The first type is where all students are given similar undertakings to make but the outlook differs consequently to the student ‘s academic competency. The 2nd type of distinction is where students of different academic proficiency are given typical undertakings and activities on the same topic but with differing degrees of challenge. † Looking at Hayes, 2006, pg 63 If I was to make the lesson once more I would guarantee that the lower ability had more focussed help/encouragement, besides that the higher ability was given more ambitious objects to place. Finally it is besides indispensable that all resources/ activities are checked and ascertain that they will enable to better the kids ‘s acquisition. At the beginning of this assignment I discussed how I was traveling to look at be aftering a lesson in the scientific discipline course of study. I planned a lesson and utilizing the Hagiographas of assorted theoreticians the lesson was planned with cardinal characteristics remembered. I besides looked at how there are differing positions on the scientific discipline course of study subdivisions and besides the usage of PowerPoint/ ICT in the schoolroom. I besides evaluated the lesson I taught and looked at the jobs that I faced and so how they were overcome. From this I found three cardinal facets that I need to retrieve when be aftering future lessons. When be aftering to utilize ICT in the lesson I did happen it difficult to believe of an ICT constituent to utilize, so I decided to research some. Upon researching I did come across many theoreticians who did non favor utilizing ICT in scientific discipline, which did alarm me as to if there was traveling to be any benefits in utilizing ICT. However this encouraged me to make farther research and I did happen a batch of theoreticians who supported the usage of ICT. Upon composing and researching this assignment I feel as if I have gained more understanding of composing lesson programs. I have gained cognition of theoreticians contrasting positions and I have besides gained more whole category learning experience.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Carl Robins- Case Study

Introduction The case study of Carl Robbins reveals a company and an employee who is unprepared to welcome properly, new employees into the company environment in an effective and meaningful way. Chris Traynor, a board-certified SPHR (Senior professional of human resources) relates it this way, â€Å"A botched orientation is almost always a top-down problem, regardless of who might have the everyday responsibility of training the new hire. It is a mystery when you consider what is already known about the true value of good employees and just how difficult and costly it can be to attract them to your business (2008). The orientation of new employees is critical to their early performance and the retention of the new employees over the long term. Orientation should involve HR, training, and the supervisors of the new employees in an organized manner in order that the transition into the new role or department will be graceful, but impactful (Giacalone, 2009). Preparation was missing b efore Carl Robbin became a recruiter for ABC, Inc. Background Key Problems Find new location for orientation Complete all missing transcripts and incomplete applications Mandatory drug screen must be scheduled Complete orientation manual with only 17 days left Table 1. Details of orientation to be prepared (University of Phoenix, 2009) New location New employee’s missing documents Mandatory Drug Screen Orientation Manual Alternative and proposed solutions New Location Call a local hotel where he can meeting to conduct his new employee orientation. Reserve the room that Joe booked either in the am or pm after the computer training class. Find a new facility where they can conduct a meeting. Call a local restaurant where he can reserve a room to continue the new class orientation. Complete missing transcripts and incomplete applications Carl should begin by contacting each individual as necessary and work on each one to make sure that the mandatory drug test is completed by June 15th. Consolidate a list of the individuals that are still missing information and submit the information to Mrs. Carrol to assure her that this is going to be completed as promised. Schedule a time where they can come in and fill out the missing paperwork. Start sending out an email to every student who needs to have this completed by June 15th. Make sure that the new employees submit the missing transcripts before June 10th Drug screen appointments Contact the Human Resource department where they can begin scheduling appointments for the new employees to get have this resolved. Schedule a conference call where he can explain the importance of the matter. Inform all new employees that if this is not resolve before June 15th, then they cannot attend the class and it will delay their start date with the company. Incomplete orientation manuals Over the past years, this is not something new that Carl is facing and he needs to take action immediately and address it to the right personnel. A company as big as ABC, Inc. might have old manuals that he can use, but he will need to contact the main office to request these materials. Below are some of the solutions to this problem. Call the office to have this ordered or reprinted Begin by getting a copy of it and make enough copies for everyone. Once he gets a hold of a legit copy he needs to save if to his file for future reference. Review all material and make any necessary changes if needed. Conclusion The concern that Carl Robbin has implied in the scenario needs to be replaced by action and planning. The facts remain that the time is short. Promises have been made to facilitate the orientation in a certain time frame. Completion of the project is necessary to fulfill the goals set by the supervisor and as personally set by Robbins. This project can be completed on time and with an acceptable level of quality. Whereas some additional expense may be incurred if a conference room must be rented, it is likely a minor expense when the cost of recruiting is considered. The additional stress and poor pre-planning will be a learning experience. ABC, Inc. and Robbin will be better prepared in the case of another recruiting drive after the experience considered in this scenario. References: _http://www. criticalthinking. org_ http://find. galegroup. com/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF. University of Phoenix. (2009). Case study for student analysis . Retrieved from University of Phoenix, COM215 Essentials of College Writing website.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hamas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hamas - Essay Example There are many causes of this violence and brutality that is happening from the both sides but three of the most important reasons are discussed below: 3) Occupation of oil resources: the recent surge in the violence in the region is also directed at the notion that US is after the oil resources of the region and by occupying them, West will deprive the region , its rights on its own resources. I believe that the occupation of Palestine is the root cause of the violence in Middle East and in order to bring in peace to that region, West has to come up with a solution of recognizing the due rights of each party to the region and based on that decide to provide the right political as well as diplomatic support. Hamas is an Islamic militant and political group working in the Palestinian region. Founded in 1987 by Sheikh Yaseen Ahmed in Gaza, Hamas soon emerged as one of the most robust terrorist organizations in the region with Israel as its main target. Listed as terrorist organizations by many countries including Canada and US, Hamas is now considered as the leading political party in Palestine also after the failure of PLO and demise of Yasser Arafat. (Hajjar, 1993). It was also believed that the success of Hamas as political as well as terrorist organization largely depended on the failure of PLO and Yasser Arafat and that the Oslo agreement between Arafat and Israel, brokered by US, provided Hamas necessary political support in the region to flourish and strengthen its roots. (Kristianasen, 1999). It is also believed that Hamas, having an Islamic Brotherhood beginning, emerged as a new militant movement in the region colored with the Islamic hue and it was because of this that Hamas wa s able to won the elections. Hamas is an organization which seems to be combining the Islamic fundamentalism with the Palestinian Nationalism. With the basic aim of the destruction of Israel, Hamas is also intending to replace the PA with an

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Islam, a Religion of Peace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Islam, a Religion of Peace - Research Paper Example However, Islam is largely misunderstood and therefore feared in the western world. I have good friends, as does everyone probably, who actually thinks a good percentage of Muslims, followers of Islamic faith, are terrorists who are intent on jihad (religious war) and instilling Sharia Law all over the world. People fear what they do not understand. I don’t think a clearer example exists than the current Islamophobia gripping the nation. This has resulted in the discrimination and hate crimes directed at Muslims. This leads me to ask the question, who are the real terrorists? Education is the key to understanding and a peaceful coexistence between different faiths and cultures. My paper will give a brief overview of Islam in an effort to help bridge the gap of understanding. The Prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the year 622 in the city of Mecca located in what is today the nation of Saudi Arabia. Of the world’s great religions Islam is the youngest yet because it is an extension of Judaism and Christianity Muslims do not consider it newer. They think of it more as the refined version of a very old religion. All three have the same stories featuring the prophets Moses, David, Abraham and Jesus. Most people I’ve talked to had no idea Jesus is a large part of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam.... The word ‘Islam’ is taken from s-l-m, a root-word in Arabic meaning peace and submission. Islam means submitting to the will of God. A Muslim is one who submits to God. Living an Islamic life generally means adhering to the Five Pillars of Islam: â€Å"publicly bearing witness to the basic affirmation of faith; saying prescribed prayers five times a day; fasting during the month of Ramadan; giving a tithe or alms for support of the poor; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during the believer's lifetime, if this is possible.† (Wuthnow, 1998). The Qur’an is not viewed as a new revelation of God separate from its family religions but instead a more accurate and complete version therefore the final edition of those faiths. When Muhammad died in 632 A.D., Muslims were confronted with the challenge of preserving their faith so they created a hierarchal system of leaders called khalifahs (cliphs) which means successors to the Prophet Muhammad but not t hemselves prophets of God. The initial four caliphs were friends of Muhammad. Most Muslims believe their rule which lasted from 632 to 661 was the age of the ‘Rightly Guided Caliphate.’ A great expansion of the Islamic faith occurred during this period of time. Muslims conquered the Persian Empire known today as the Islamic Republic of Iran and took Syria and Northern Africa away from a crumbling Roman Empire. Within just a few short decades Islam expanded from a small village in the desert of Arabia to include territory that stretched from Africa to Asia. From the tenth century to the sixteenth the caliphs effective power ended but the area of the Muslim world

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Establising Integrity and Anticipating Ethnical Challenges Essay

Establising Integrity and Anticipating Ethnical Challenges - Essay Example Participant observations can be considered observations that reveal only the public persona, while the responses of the interview will be intended to reveal the under layers of a relationship. While the public personal can indicates some of those layers, the responses in the interview will hopefully establish a more realistic picture. The concept of the â€Å"shared† construction cannot be ignored as participants are eager to give answers they hope the interviewer is looking to hear. The analysis of the interview will have a built in challenge that seeks to glean unprompted insight from questions that will undoubtedly prompt certain types of responses. When writing about the interviews, it will be important to have a previous concept of which answers will more often be the result of prompting. The anticipated participants will be approached through contact with religious institutions who recommend couples whose marriages appear to have been long lasting. It is anticipated that content couples will be willing to share their experiences. The culture of the religious institution usually creates a culture of people who want to share their experiences. In approaching religious leaders to recommend couples, these â€Å"gatekeepers† are more than likely to recommend those they believe to be content, creating a probability of finding the right couples to interview about a romantic relationship. It will be essential for couples of both male and female gender be approached in order to have a balanced interview. This study will not be using couples in a homosexual relationship because this dynamic is influenced by the culture both within and outside of that configuration. This would be beyond the scope of this particular study. The political, social, and cultural influences would change the focus. Consent will be obtained through a simple form. The purpose of the study will be openly

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discuss consumer behavior and how people respond to price changes Essay

Discuss consumer behavior and how people respond to price changes - Essay Example There are several conditions where consumers will not tend to consume more even if the price is lowered nor will they tend to consume less if the price is driven up. In general, consumer demand changes depending on the rate of change of prices. As the law of price elasticity dictates, demand is sensitive to price. This however particularly true to regular products that are regularly consumed which are categorized as elastic. There are several factors that affect price sensitivity or elasticity of a product which affects consumer behavior. First and the most obvious are the products that people can live without are highly elastic and therefore the change in price also affects the price. The most typical examples for these are luxury items such as jewelries where its steep price prohibits many people to acquire and a drop in price significantly increases the demand. The same is true with branded bags or clothing where a sale will almost immediately increase consumption. Another factor that affects elasticity is the availability of alternative products which affects consumption. Availability of products does not only mean substitute products but also competitors who could offer the same product at a lower price. The classic example of this is our favorite McDonald where it has to be priced low otherwise its customers will either move to its competitors such as Burger King or look for alternative for hamburgers such as taking pizza instead of a burger. There is an instance however that demand will become inelastic or consumer behavior will not change regardless of price. This is true with inelastic products such as medicine that no matter how much the price is, the rate of purchase or consumer behavior will remain the same. It is because people need to buy medicine when they are sick. They also cannot defer purchase regardless of price and will immediately purchase once the money is available to them because they do not want to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing strategy - Assignment Example In this distribution strategy, it is not hard to sell a specialty product assuming that the said specialty store is already well-known about its carried products or service offerings. However, considering concern about wide range of distribution, it is necessary that more specialty stores are needed in order to create more market penetration for specific specialty products in a wide market range. The second point is that specialty store in general does not only carry one product, but it might probably take two or more identical products of different brands. In this case, competition may be of great concern for a certain specialized product. Even if it is highly specialized, the customers are always open to the idea that they have to choose from varied specialty products. In the above situation, it is clear that there is correspondingly significant limit of the distribution of a specialty chocolate product if it has to focus only on its distribution with specialty stores or brokers. T hus, another alternative would be to go for corporate vertical marketing system.

Proposal Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thesis Proposal Example se films use the surroundings in which we reside as their context makes them easier to understand, and likeable to a considerable section of the population. The fact that media products on gender equality such as Orange is the New Black have always simplified, and integrated key society values have been beneficial in terms of making them marketable. Some of the larger social and cultural values that these films have always agitated for include the belief that gender inequality is rather inhumane, inferring that no one should be made to go through it. In the same way, an individual’s gender should not determine how one is treated. Consuming such media products is far-reaching majorly because it warrants that societies respect human rights, by making certain that females are treated with dignity and are accorded the freedom they desire. At the same time, such media products guarantees that both genders are respected hence resulting in poverty reduction and maintenance of the hea lth of the whole family. One of the parts that the course included was how the media is a challenge to feminism. In as much as this topic has often been over-estimated, stakeholders hold the opinion that it is of great significance. Media products on gender equality, notably films and TV shows share similar ideologies with content covered in the course of the lecture, that some of the advertisements that have always been aired on our screens and print media, have always pointed to the fact that a portion of the population is better than the other. This is common in fashion magazines, which have asserted in their weekly or monthly pullouts that the skinny ladies are the ideal women as compared to the plumps. At one instance, Weetabix ran an advertisement in which the male child in a family was regarded as a superhero, while the female did not achieve such status in spite of the fact that both of them consumed Weetabix (Allen, 2009). While going through media products on gender equality, one

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nursing Competencies Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Competencies - Thesis Example s focused on the discussion of some of these competencies as offered by tree organizations, namely: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN). The challenges in the industry will also be discussed alongside a personal reflection of the author on the relevance of these competencies to his personal career. Nursing is a critical profession in the United States and, as has been dictated by the increasing healthcare needs, advancements in it are paramount. Advancements in the profession are of equal importance, all in an effort to empower nurses and help in meeting the rising healthcare needs across the country. As such, there are many stakeholders and public agencies that focus on the achievement of this goal by providing the skills that nurses need throughout their academic and professional lives. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN) are primary contributors in this. These three associations have made unique efforts in trying to equip nurses with specific competencies at the Masters level. In addition to these competencies, this paper will discuss some of the factors in the nursing profession and the health care system that make the achievement of these skills necessary, based on evidence from current literature. From a personal and reflective point of view, this paper will also discuss how these skills and competencies related to my career trajectory and describe the steps I am willing to take in an effort to achieve the knowledge and skills necessary during my graduate studies as I seek to master each of these competencies. The AACN has outlined a number of competencies that it is willing to equip nurses with in an effort to enhance their skills. Of the many competencies that it defines under Adult- Gerontology Acute Care NP Competencies, one of the most

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business negotiations in Japan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business negotiations in Japan - Coursework Example When negotiating, it is important to recognize that Japanese do not understand English hence using it will hamper the success of the negotiations. The closely uphold augmentation where logic, dogma, and emotions are combined. They talk around a subject to obtain a holistic view rather than going the straightforward American style. Additionally, Japanese perceive the ‘face’ to be a mark of personal dignity and portrays one’s status among peers. As such, they will always expect that a foreigner always strive to uphold their face and not to turn down someone’s request because they believe that turning down requests leads to humiliation. They do not openly criticize and requires that one uses terms such as its under consideration or its inconvenient if they do not agree to a request. Moreover, harmony is perceived as a key value in japan; both in business and family settings unlike other cultures such as American. Tone of voice, posture, and facial expression a re used to express feelings and what they hold on certain ideas. For instance, when someone frowns during a conversation, it implies disagreement. While negotiating in japan, it is important to note that greetings are ritualized and highly formal unlike in America. During negotiations, the Japanese requires that a speaker waits to be introduced rather than introducing themselves which is common in many cultures. Observing all the aforementioned differences will ensure the effectiveness of the negotiation. Phatak, Arvind V., Rabi S. Bhagat, and Roger J. Kashlak.  International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009. Web. Accessed through course E-Textbook compiled by Professor Ridley

Monday, July 22, 2019

Main Cause Hinder Implementation of Enterprise Essay Example for Free

Main Cause Hinder Implementation of Enterprise Essay 1. Background: Thirty years ago, companies started to develop software to automate their business functions. Enterprise Resourcing planning (ERP) evolved from  Material Requirement Planning (MRP) systems which were created to support inventory functions. MRP system later expanded to support manufacturing tasks, then merged with accounting systems to become ERP software (Jutras, 2011). 2. Definition: Enterprise Resourcing planning ERP is software package to integrate internal and external company’s business functions such as accounting, supply chain and human resources (Wong, Scarbrough, Chau, Davison, 2005). (Typical functionality is summarised in Figure 3. 1). [pic] Figure 3.1: Module Functionality Overview of an ERP System, Source: Adam Sammon (2003). The implementation of ERP consists of all tasks needed to achieve the ERP, start from getting the software and hardware until working properly on that software. ERP implementation goes through interconnecting phases. Those phases start from gathering all information about the current business process and applying that on the software, then testing phase to ensure the software is working accurately. Furthermore, ERP phases like any project may be execute sequentially such as business analysis should come before business setup or may be overlapped with each other such as user training can start at same time with business analysis (Wong, Scarbrough, Chau, Davison, 2005). ERP software is installed in a centralised database to be available to all company’s departments which all information can be accessible at anytime from anywhere. Moreover, consolidate data in one single installation can increase data integrity, avoid data redundancy because the main function for the software that to prevent the duplication. ERP has built based on standard business process which can improve internal business functions for the companies apply the ERP software (Zhang, 2005). 3. Research Methodology 1. Primary research: The primary data for this project was collected using the questionnaire. The questions focused on the implementation cost as a main factor involved in the ERP implementation. In addition the questions tracked other factors can hinder implementing the ERP software such as business analysis, management, technologies and training. The questionnaire sent via emails to over than 140 respondents from different companies providing ERP implementation services, 82 respondents answered the questionnaire. Moreover, the sample selected to represent various regions over the world such as the US, the UK, the Middle East and India. Also respondents were chosen in random from many levels such as project managers, business analysts and pre-sales specialists to collect different ideas from different positions. 2. Secondary research: The main source for secondary data collected which studies conducted in the same subject. Those research contain data about most recent reasons can fail ERP as well as case studies in many companies such as Hershey Foods Corporation. Also secondary data collected from: A. Internet: Sites of all ERP provider where can find updated information about the ERP products such Oracle and SAP sites. Also some sites include articles about ERP failure reasons. B. Books: which contain basics information about ERP software and implementation methods. C. Newspapers and business journals. 4. Findings 1. Findings from the secondary research: Companies spend the money for implementing the ERP software to automating their business which can accelerate the process time. In addition the main target of ERP software that to integrating business functions such as supply chain functions with accounting functions (Mehta, 2010, Davenport, 1998). Moreover after the supplier delivers items to inventory department the next step is to collect the money from the accounting department. Therefore, all information about quantities delivered and accepted inside the store should be shared and secured to the accounting department before pay the money (J.Umble, Haft, M.Umble, 2003). Although, ERP provides a significant improvement, there are frequent studies indicating that companies stopped using the ERP or cancelled implementation task due critical problems faced during the business analysis, training and testing process (Hawari, Heeks, 2010). Consequently, from 50% to 75% of the ERP projects are ended (Hawari, Heeks, 2010). Contrary to expectation in current study hypothesis that the cost is the main cause hindering implementation of the ERP software, this study found there were other significant factors than the cost. The first and substantial factor which can prevent the ERP implementation is the business analysis phase. Because of company’s business process unclearly, the implementation of business functions on the ERP software becomes different than the original needs. The second factor can fail the ERP implementation is the management in consultancy companies who lead the project as well as the companies who apply the ERP software. The former are hiring poor project managers which can underestimate the scope, size and complexity of the project and the later have top management which not committed to applying the ERP software (J.Umble, Haft, M.Umble, 2003). Also, turnover of project personnel such as project managers, consultants and employees in the customer site after the project started which lose key staff experienced with the project and may be the new staff can request more changings (Markus, Axline, Petrie, Tanis, 2000). The third factor is inadequate  training due users did not get enough practice on the new software which affects the operation of the ERP (Ligus, 2007). The cost of ERP implementation comes lately as a factor might fail the ERP implementation (Ligus, 2007). According to Aberdeen group (Jutras, 2008) the average total cost for ERP implementation is $366.583 for company size under $50 million and 35 average users, which including software licenses cost, implementation services cost and maintenance cost. The last factor can hinder the ERP implementation is the hardware and software technology. Moreover, technologies have been changing rapidly which means that the current hardware and software should sustain the upgrades and need new installations. As a result, more upgrades can reflect miss integration with other systems or data loss as well. 2. Findings from the primary research: Firstly, the participants were asked about the cost elements can fail the ERP implementation, 55% of respondents agreed that the software costs are too high, followed by strongly agree, disagree, 33% and 12% respectively. Moreover, the second element is the hardware cost, 51% respondents agreed that the hardware cost is too expensive. While, 34% thought the cost is not expensive. In addition, for the third element, it appears the respondents were distributed equality which 49% agreed that the upgrade costs too high and other 49% disagreed with that element. Also, for the training, 59% of participants disagreed that training cost is too high. However, 33% agreed that the cost is too high. The last element is the cost of skilled employees, by combining answers of strongly agree and agree, the result show that 81% of the sample believed that companies need to hire skilled employees with high salary. Regarding to the next question, about 91% respondents opposed that the software is difficult. In addition, 72% thought that unskilled employees might fail the ERP implementation. As far as the third question whether the ERP implementation influenced by the technologies, answers almost distributed between agree and disagree  for all elements that software updates, hardware Obsolescence, software Incompatibility and integration fails with other third party applications. In terms of question number four, this finding was unexpected and suggests that the business analysis factor is substantial for the ERP implementation failure where 80% of respondents answered that customers do not deliver enough or wrong information about their business process. Also, 92% thought that business processes are not clear in the company which reflects wrong implementation and 90% of the sample concerned that more changes during implementation time could effect on the ERP implementation. Another important finding was that largest set of significant respondents agreed with the management is the most important factor could hinder the ERP implementation where 97% of respondents said the lack of top management commitment had negative consequence on the ERP implementation and 98% believe that inefficient project controlling could prevent the ERP implementation. 5. Discussion 1. Discussion explanation: Based on results indicated from the primary and secondary research, there are five common factors failing the ERP implementation. Moreover, this research reveals that inefficient management is the first and most critical factor. Because of companies assign the project to staff members do not have enough information about current ERP characteristics or without defining company requirements. As a result, poor ERP package will be selected (Ligus, 2007). In addition, 97% of respondents agreed that the lack of top management commitments have an effect on the ERP projects, owing to the fact that, the top management delegates the controlling to the lower level, consequently, conflict of communication between the company and consultants can be happened. Another important factor is the business analysis phase. Due to business processes are unclear, more changes during the implementation process will be required. Apart from the business analysis  factor, consultancy companies are not providing experienced consultants or the turnover during the project because the salary of experienced consultant is too high or they want to reduce the project cost. Based on the result collected from the primary research, the cost factor came as a third reason has an effect on the ERP implementation. Whereas, the finding from the secondary research indicated that the cost factors is the last reason might prevent the ERP projects. Because of companies can pay to get more benefits of the ERP software that can improve their business processes and services. This means that the cost. The next factor might fail the ERP implementation is the training, 91% of respondent disagree that the software is difficult and the reason might affect the ERP implementation that companies hire unskilled employees. Consequently, they cannot use or understand the software. Also, (Ligus, 2007) believes that companies attempt to save dollars by hire inadequate resources or working on overtime basis. As far as the technology factor, results collected from the primary research spread equally between agree and disagree. Due to the fact that companies do not upgrade the ERP software frequently, they did not face problems with the software updates and the hardware. 2. Limitation on research: †¢ Number of samples did not represent all countries fairly. †¢ The questions did not mention company’s business size, which could effect on answers. †¢ Questionnaire did not deliver to all specialists’ equally. †¢ No more information about the ERP implementation costs for all products available which can compare between them. †¢ No more studies about ERP products and technologies for last two years in comparison to two years earlier, which can measure weather the software and hardware improved. 6. Conclusion 1. Conclusion explanation: The aim of this study to examine whether the cost is a major problem can hinder implementing the ERP software. Findings show that there are other critical factors can prevent the ERP implementation which can be summarised from the most critical to less critical factor as poor management, unclear business process then the cost factor came as a third reason can hinder the ERP implementation then inadequate training and the last factor is hardware and software technologies. But with more analysis for the output which can explore chain of factors can affect each other. Owing to poor management, unskilled managers will defect the ERP project and companies should pay more salaries to hire skilled managers. As a result, poor ERP will be selected. Moreover, the problem started from the cost of hiring skilled managers. In addition, Due to consultancy companies want to deliver the implementation services with low cost to compete with other companies, they hiring inexpert consultants because of the salary. In conclusion that, the cost is the major factor can hinder implementing the ERP software but with indirect consequence. 2. Recommendations: Companies only installing a hardware with ERP software, but are in fact, changing the culture of management and improve the business process are essential before implement the ERP software (Davenport, 2000). Regarding to the primary research, there are some points need to mention in the future: †¢ Number of samples should represented many countries based on some factors such as number of software usage, area and business volume. Namely, the US should represented by at least 520 respondents, 52 states*10 samples. †¢ Business size should be indicated in the questionnaire. The need of software varies from small, medium and large business. In addition,  employee skills are difference referring to the business size. Also, medium and large business size can pay more for the ERP software than the small business size. †¢ Questionnaire should be targeted the specialization. Information available to the sales specialists is about prices and they do not have more information about the business or management problems which can be collected from the project managers and consultants. 7. References and bibliography Adam, F. Sammon, D. (2003),The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future. Idea Group Publishing: Hershey. Ada,W., Harry, S., Patrick, K., Robert D., (2005). Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation. Ligus, G., (2007), 12 Cardinal Sins of ERP Implementation. Rockford Consulting Group LTD. IL.US Jutras, C. (2011), An ERP history. Retrieved from ( Aug, 2012). Markus, L., Axline, S., Petrie, D. Tanis, C. (2000). Learning from Adopters Experience with ERP Problems Encountered and Success Achieved. Journal of Information Technology. 15(2). PP 245-265. Mehta, A. (2010), A Study on Critical Success Factors for Successful ERP Implementation at Indian SMEs. Dissertation for Master of Philosophy in Management. Muscatello, J. Parente, D. (2006), Enterprise resource planning (ERP): a post implementation cross-case analysis, Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 61-80. Parr, A. Shanks, G. (2000), A model of ERP project implementation. Journal of Information Technology 15(2). PP 289-303. Shanks, G., Seddon, B., Leslie, P. Willcocks (2003), Second-Wave Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementing for Effectiveness.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Harm Reduction and Abstinence Based Treatments

Harm Reduction and Abstinence Based Treatments This essay will be constructed into four parts, harm reduction, abstinence based reatments, substance misuse and recovery. There will be a discussion on the history of harm reduction and what harm reduction is in the substance misuse field, for example problematic or harmful behaviour that is caused to the individual or others either socially, psychologically, physically or legally brought on by substance misuse. Secondly an explanation on abstinence based treatments, what they are and what the relationship is between them and harm reduction. Thirdly referring to recovery and what it means in the substance misuse field and what the implications are for the service users. Last but not means least a discussion about the two different approaches and how it impacts on the service user. To conclude a summary of the main points will be made. (136 Harm reduction pilot schemes started back in the 1980s and were a response to reduce the risk associated with harm caused by alcohol problems and injecting drug use, in response to the HIV and AIDS prevention strategy. Harm reduction is a process and not a treatment and should be integrated with other forms of intervention, it reduces the negative consequences of drug use. It is about educating the individuals, carers, partners and family members about the risks involved with their drug use and helping them take responsibility and learn to accept it rather than to ignore it. Most harm reduction interventions are aimed at preventing diseases due to blood- borne viruses (BBV) as well as overdose and other drug related deaths (Tatarsky Marlatt 2010). Harm reduction services include needle exchange services methadone and buprenorphine programmes. Needle exchange provides services where the users have the opportunity to dispose of their old needles, syringes and spoons for example. Moreo ver they will also receive advice and support on safer injecting, reducing injecting and prevention of overdose, they will receive a pack which contains clean injecting equipment to take away, reducing the risk of them sharing equipment with others (NTA 2006). Substitute prescribing such as methadone and buprenorphine programmes, buprenorphine and methadone are licensed for use in opioid dependence where methadone is dispensed in liquid form and buprenorphine is administered by tablet form sublingually (Connock, Juarez-Garcia Jowett, et al 2007). (236) Abstinence based treatment Abstinence means refraining from an activity which is known to be harmful and addictive or reducing this activity with the ultimate goal of being abstinent (McKeganey et al 2006). Doing this involves not taking a particular substance, avoiding areas where this is likely to be on offer or adopting a healthier lifestyle. Abstaining can be difficult to do especially when the substance has been part of their life for so long, this is where the individual has to look at healthier ways to deal with their substance use. This can include a range of abstinence based treatments to help the individuals with alcohol or drug such as Non-drug interventions the twelve step programme (self help) and Psychosocial interventions such as motivational interviewing or CBT. The twelve step programme is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioural problems, it was originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a method of recover y from alcoholism. Motivational Interviewing is usually offered to achieve and maintain abstinence, it was originally used with problem drinkers but has also been applied to the treatment of illicit drug misuse (Raistrick et al 2006). There are several Pharmacological interventions available to treat alcohol dependence which are disulfiram, acamprosate and naltrexone. These all work in different ways Disulfiram is used for individuals who wish to abstain altogether, if taken with alcohol it can cause some very unpleasant effects; vomiting, headache, palpitations and breathlessness. Acamprosate and naltrexone are an anti-craving drugs used in the maintenance of abstinence (SIGN 2003). However there is an increased risk of overdose or death due to a relapse after a period of abstinence as tolerance levels will have changed to that particular substance (REF). (288) Substance misuse Substance misuse is defined as the use of a substance for a purpose not consistent with legal or medical guidelines (WHO, 2006). It is a misuse of all psycho-active substances including illicit drugs, non-prescribed pharmaceutical preparations and alcohol misuse. People use substances because it makes them feel good, feel different and makes them more sociable. Using substances only becomes misuse when a problem arises such as it having a negative impact on health or functioning and may take the form of drug dependence causing problematic or harmful behaviour to the individual or others either socially, psychologically, physically or legally. (99) Recovery The Recovery Model as it applies to mental health is an approach to mental disorder or substance dependence that emphasises and supports each individuals potential for recovery. Recovery is seen within the model as a personal journey, that may involve developing hope, a secure base and sense of self, supportive relationships, empowerment, social inclusion, coping skills, and meaning. For someone who misuses substances recovery may not be about being totally abstinent it may simply mean still using drugs but in a safe way, for instance having clean works for injecting or substitute prescribing for opioid misuse. Recovery principles bring about the change in the way a service user thinks and aims to produce a change in behaviour, however before these changes can only happen if the person is ready to change, ambivalence may be experienced by the service user and this can affect motivation on a daily basis. Motivational interviewing techniques go hand in hand with the harm reduction mode l as one of the key factors with motivational interviewing is dealing with ambivalence. Prochaska and DiClemente 1983 provide a framework to understand the change process it was originally created to help understand what individuals go through in changing their behavior. it uses 5 principles, precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance (Hansen et al 2008). Service users with little or no motivation and who are not engaging in any attempts to change are seen as being in the pre-contemplation stage as they do not see their behaviour as a problem and there is no need to change it, this could be due to an attempt to change in the past without success and may feel demoralised so may become resistant to change. It is important to engage service users at this stage and build a trusting rapport so that in the future they will be able to turn to the practitioner for help. The contemplation stage is when a person acknowledges that they may have a problem and work towa rds developing motivation to change but could become ambivalent, engaging with the service user in discussion about their ambivalence is the goal at this stage getting them to think about what their problem is and how it is affecting them. Individuals in the preparation stage may want to change and have a plan but need help to do so, the reason individuals may seek treatment could be that their problem is having negative effects on life for example, criminality or job loss. The action stage comes next this is where the service user is actively setting goals to change and will be developing skills to do so, supporting the service user in making these goals achievable are key here, goals need to be small and achievable to the service user. In the maintenance stage the service user sustains changes in behaviour and works towards preventing relapse by identifying the supports around them, at this stage the service user may decide to make long term goals and problem solve how to best acc omplish them. Prochaska and DiClemente 1983 describe a sixth stage and it is the relapse stage the service user reverts to the behaviour they were trying to change, the practitioner should provide support for the individual in a non-judgemental way as they may be feeling ashamed and guilty for relapsing, re-evaluate the stage of change the individual is at explore the relapse episode trying to discover if the relapse was shorter or longer than previous relapses and were they able to reduce their use, this may be an opportunity for the service user and practitioner to work on other relapse prevention techniques. (Prochaska Diclemente 1983). However service users may move back and forth between the stages. This does not represent failure, but rather the nonlinear nature of the model. Recovery is about making the best out of their life and having quality of life and as nurses we should provide support and advice to achieve their goals (Network 26 2009). (660) Both the abstinence model and the harm reduction model have similar goals. The goal in this case is to create a better quality of life for the person receiving the service. Harm reduction approaches are often perceived to be the opposite of abstinence based approaches to drug use and sometimes even as condoning drug use. This is not the case, harm reduction complements abstinence based drug treatment approaches by providing Injecting drug users with the knowledge and tools to stay healthy and alive until they are able or willing to achieve abstinence. Abstinence remains the most effective way of reducing the negative consequences of drug use. For injecting drug users who are unable to remain abstinent, harm reduction measures such as methadone maintenance treatment and needle and syringe programs are ways to reduce negative consequences. For example the abstinence approach to caring for an individual who uses heroin and has HIV service users would find that they would be encouraged t o stop using heroin completely and to abstain from sex. While with the harm reduction programme the individual may be taught how to use heroin more safely i.e. clean needles and spoons and other paraphernalia or to substitute methadone for heroin and to practice safer sex. It can be argued that because abstinence based services were not providing HIV education and preventive tools such as condoms and syringes, individuals using these services would remain unaware of the risks of HIV and how to protect themselves from it. (247) Conclusion In conclusion, the integration of harm reduction and abstinence based treatment is more powerful than either model separately. The abstinence goal provides more room for the more abstract harm reduction work to occur. The accepting atmosphere of harm reduction with the addition of the clarity of the goal of abstinence promote patient retention better than either separately. The implications of this integration is that harm reduction can be more accepted and powerful in the public sector. It is important to look at the wider context of why people use drugs. Taking away a coping mechanism from a drug user may do more harm than good unless the core issues that led to drug use are dealt with in the first, hence the reason the motivational interviewing approach is more empowering for the service user (134

The Leadership Of King Fahd Leadership Essay

The Leadership Of King Fahd Leadership Essay There are different types of leadership styles of which there are three main ones. There is the laissez faire where the leader spends little time supervising or paying much attention to what the people he is leading are doing. The second one is the autocratic leadership where the leader dictates when to and allows little or no room for other peoples views. The leader only wants his way done. This has fallen out of popularity in many countries although a few leaders in some countries are still practicing it. The third foam of leadership style is the participative leadership style where it is the middle ground of the laissez and the autocratic types of leadership styles. In this case, the leader allows the people to give their views but is at the same time in control and puts his/her stand where need be. This is the type of leadership most countries have adopted. Other types of leadership might come out as we move on. King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz was the king of Saudi Arabia from the 13th of June the year 1982 to the 1st of August the year 2005 although he stopped performing his full duties in November 1995 after suffering from a stroke. He was born on the 16th of March in the year 1921 and died on the 1st of August 2005. His parents were Amir Abdul Aziz who was the father and Hessa Bint Ahmed Alsudairy as the mother. He was the tent child out of the 45 children born by the 22 wives. King Fahd was also the custodian of the two holy mosques. King Fahd is known for having improved the living standards of the Saudis. He brought a lot of improvement in education especially to the girl child. He was a man who believed in balancing all aspects of life i.e. spiritual, physical, mental, and psychological. He served as a prince and a king to the Saudis ( His management theory and concepts King Fahds type of leadership can probably be categorized as the participative leadership. He ensured that Saudi Arabias infrastructure was improved, brought about more industries, made his state to be more modern, brought fairness to the ones who were being treated unfairly, defended the weak and feeble against the ones who were mighty and ruthless and much more. King Fahd was known to be generous for he provided aid and assistance where needed (Northouse, 2009). As a leader, he ensured that he put the interests of the people he led first. Saudis are Muslims and so he fully demonstrated that Islam is a religion that can be practiced all the time and by anybody as long as they wished to join Islam. He would listen to the people and establish what their problems, weaknesses; difficulties, wants and needs were (Winkler, 2009). It was not all easy in his leadership period. Putting up national educational system was a very demanding mission. Most pest people were hardly literate except for the religious scholars. To make this mission complete, he combined the vision he had that all the children would be able to access a good education and the determination he had to make that work although he was not highly experienced at the time. Saudi Arabias revenue grew and so this made it easier for him as there was no limitation of finances. He presented good leadership qualities as some leaders used the increment of finances to enrich their selves or even mismanaged the finances putting the country at a disadvantage later. Though some people, especially those who were nomadic and those who practiced agriculture were reluctant at first, they later came to accept education and thus Saudi Arabia has greatly developed ( King Fahd is also remembered for his great contribution to health matters. He brought free health services to the Saudis. This service was given to those inside and outside the kingdom. This was quite an achievement and a good show of leadership skills as most countries did not offer this service free. This contributed many losses of lives especially to those who were not able to access this service. Hospitals were expanded and more built in order to cater for the growing number of the Saudis. Apart from expanding and building more hospitals, he ensured that the medical practitioners were adequate in order to facilitate the free medical services. The hospitals and health centers were also equipped which was overseen by the health ministry. Some leaders provided free medical services for citizens in a country but fail to provide enough health facilities like hospitals, health centers, medical practitioners, medical equipment etc. making the free service end not being free as intended. This was a great achievement on King Fahds part. King Fahd provided social services that were made to cater for the imbalances raise the living standards among the Saudis and cater for any other deficiency in the population. He provided social activities that enabled the citizens to rely on themselves. This would ease the load on the government to take care of all its citizens. He made the citizens realize that they could cater for their daily needs by practicing agriculture using irrigation, do art for those who were talented in that area etc. instead of waiting for the government to employ each and every individual. Saudi Arabia, there are 173 benevolent societies. 20 of these societies belong to women of which the king highly supported. The kings government supported these societies by ensuring that they were given subsidies. The societies helped the less fortunate, physically and mentally challenged, the widows etc. the king also introduced a compulsory medical scheme which catered for the medical and retirement of the employees. This scheme was known as the General Organization for Social Insurance. The General Presidency for Youth Welfare has been active in the growth of sport in the kingdom. It was and is still responsible for the building and maintenance of sport arenas, youth hostels, sport medical hospitals, sport clubs, an international stadium etc. he greatly supported the involvement of youth in sports and was even a member of the Olympic movement themselves. This showed his love for the growth of the young people unlike other leaders who only exploited the young people and never gave them their dues. This greatly discouraged and killed the young people morale and talent. These young people either ended up in drugs, theft and burglary or hopeless. Most people see as if the Muslim woman is less regarded or looked down upon but this is not so. The Koran allows the woman to inherit or own property before and after marriage. In 1960, the government introduced a programme for the education of girls and by the mid 1970s; half of the girls in Saudi Arabia were going to school. When King Fahd was on the throne, his government highly encouraged more girls to go to school which enabled them to be competitive with their peer boys. Under his reign, the woman has been encouraged to take careers that were previously dominated by men like medicine, teaching, engineering, piloting, broadcasting, etc. This was a great achievement as most countries were experiencing such challenges. The King also played a major role in the development of Saudis economy. Saudi Arabia is well known for its rich oil reserves. It holds 25% of the oil reserves in the world. The kings government attempted to control the oil market in order to make sure the producer and the consumer of the oil were balanced and there was no one oppressing the other. The improvement of agriculture has greatly improved Saudis economy. The cultivation areas almost doubled during King Fahds reign. The citizens were highly encouraged to do more cultivation although Saudi is quite a dry land. The government offered and still offers interest free loans, financial help to farming projects and other foams of assistance just to help the farmers and make farming much easier. Agriculture played and still plays a great role in the Saudis economy (Bush, 2003). Saudi Arabia does not have a lot of water sources like many countries as it is located in the Middle East which is a dry area. King Fahd ensured that the water supply was kept constant by having water desalination, dams and reservoirs put up, and even recycling of sewage to make pure and clean water. This water was also used for irrigation of which many countries which experienced frequent rainy seasons were unable to do and therefore experienced drought when rain failed to pour as expected in a certain season. His weaknesses King Fahd was not entirely perfect. He had his weaknesses as a leader and as a person. Due to his strict belief in Islam, no single Christian church or Jewish synagogue was allowed on the Saudi soil. The Saudis were expected to follow the Muslim way of life both at home and abroad. This was not fair as it denied the citizens the freedom of worship. The Abdul Aziz kingdom was only restricted to the northern and eastern parts of Arabia ( Though he was hard-working, he would sometimes suddenly take caravans and go for a luxurious holiday for weeks or even keep important people both locally and abroad waiting for hours because he had stayed up too late the previous night. He did not learn enough English in his lifetime so he had to use an interpreter to communicate in international meetings or where Arabic was not known by everyone. Conclusion King Fahd was a good leader that other leaders should emulate. He greatly contributed to the current Saudi Arabia status. He tried to fulfill most of the promises he made bring Saudi up in competition with the rest of the world. Despite his weaknesses, he was a great leader. He possesses a challenge to other countries that are advantaged in regard to rainfall due to the countrys agricultural development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Definition Essay - The True Meaning of Hegemony -- Expository Definiti

Hegemony - The True Meaning Hegemony was derived from the Greek word "egemonia," meaning leader or ruler, often in the sense of a state other than his own (Williams 144).   Although the base of this definition remains true, the word has evolved to much more.   Hegemony is defined by Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought as "Political and economical control exercised by a dominant class, and its success in projecting its own way of seeing the world, human and social relationships as 'common sense' and part of the natural order by those who are, in fact, subordinated to it."   Hegemony is defined as a predominant influence or leadership of a dominant class or institution over a subordinate class; the question is are the "subordinates" forced to follow the beliefs, or do they agree with them?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antonio Gramsci, a leading Marxist thinker in the early 20th century, used hegemony to define class structure, (e.g. bourgeois hegemony).   Gramsci's philosophy was that the subordinate class was to follow this "common sense" that the dominant class set, however, Gramsci ... Definition Essay - The True Meaning of Hegemony -- Expository Definiti Hegemony - The True Meaning Hegemony was derived from the Greek word "egemonia," meaning leader or ruler, often in the sense of a state other than his own (Williams 144).   Although the base of this definition remains true, the word has evolved to much more.   Hegemony is defined by Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought as "Political and economical control exercised by a dominant class, and its success in projecting its own way of seeing the world, human and social relationships as 'common sense' and part of the natural order by those who are, in fact, subordinated to it."   Hegemony is defined as a predominant influence or leadership of a dominant class or institution over a subordinate class; the question is are the "subordinates" forced to follow the beliefs, or do they agree with them?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antonio Gramsci, a leading Marxist thinker in the early 20th century, used hegemony to define class structure, (e.g. bourgeois hegemony).   Gramsci's philosophy was that the subordinate class was to follow this "common sense" that the dominant class set, however, Gramsci ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

barnes and noble Essay -- essays research papers

Barnes & Noble does business -- big business -- by the book. As the #1 bookseller in the US, it operates about 650 superstores throughout 49 states and the District of Columbia under the banners Barnes & Noble, Bookstop, and Bookstar, as well as about 200 mall stores using the names B. Dalton, Doubleday, and Scribner's. The company's GameStop subsidiary is the #1 US video game retailer with about 1,500 stores under the names Babbage's Etc., GameStop, and FuncoLand. Barnes & Noble owned about 75% of online book seller after purchasing Bertelsmann's interest in 2003; Barnes & Noble then purchased all remaining shares and took the company private in May 2004. Barnes & Noble dates back to 1873 when Charles Barnes went into the used-book business in Wheaton, Illinois. By the turn of the century, he was operating a thriving bookselling operation in Chicago. His son William took over as president in 1902. William sold his share in the firm in 1917, to C. W. Follett, who later built Follett Corp, and moved to New York City, where he bought an interest in established textbook wholesalers Noble & Noble. The company was soon renamed Barnes & Noble. It first sold mainly to colleges and libraries, providing textbooks and opening a large Fifth Avenue shop. Over the next three decades, Barnes & Noble became one of the leading booksellers in the New York region. Freshman Leonard Riggio, who worked at a New York University bookstore to help pay for night school. He studied engineering but got the itch for bookselling. In 1965, at age 24, he borrowed $5,000 and opened Student Book Exchange NYC, a college bookstore. Beginning in the late 1960s, he expanded by buying other college bookstores. In 1971 Riggio paid $1.2 million for the Barnes & Noble store on Fifth Avenue. He soon expanded the store, and in 1974 he began offering jaw-dropping, competitor-maddening discounts of up to 40% for best-sellers. Acquiring Marboro Books five years later, the company entered the mail-order and publishing business. By 1986 Barnes & Noble had grown to about 180 outlets, which included 142 college bookstores. Along with Dutch retailer Vendex, that year it bought Dayton Hudson's B. Dalton mall bookstore chain, forming BDB Holding Corp. In 1989 the company acquired the Scribner's Bookstores trade name and the Bookstop and Bookstar su... ... the company, including all of the voting power of Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, a private textbook seller. The company is spinning off its GameStop subsidiary. In early October GameStop purchased some six million shares back from Barnes & Noble. On November 2 Barnes & Noble distributed the remaining shares it had in GameStop in a dividend to its shareholders. Business Wire, November 3, 2004 Wednesday, 1:30 PM GMT, 748 words, Barnes & Noble to Open New Store at 30500 State Highway 181, Spanish Fort, Alabama; New Bookstore Debuts on No Copyright 2004 Business Wire, Inc. Business Wire November 3, 2004 Wednesday 1:30 PM GMTDISTRIBUTION: Business Editors; Community Editors LENGTH: 748 words HEADLINE: Barnes & Noble to Open New Store at 30500 State Highway 181, Spanish Fort, Alabama; New Bookstore Debuts on November 17 DATELINE: NEW YORK Nov. 3, 2004 BODY:vember 17 , NEW YORK Nov. 3, 2004 2. Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company The New York Times September 9, 2004 Thursday Late Edition – Final SECTION: Section E; Column 1; The Arts/Cultural Desk; Pg. 1 LENGTH: 931 words HEADLINE: Huge Book Retailer Expands Its Publishing Role BYLINE: By EDWARD WYATT

Seatbelts :: essays research papers

When travelling at slow speeds in your car the wearing of a seatbelt has little effect of your body when you brake. So why is it important to wear your seat belt? A driver or passenger travelling in a car is moving at the same speed as the car. If the car suddenly stops, the body of the rider inside will keep moving forward at the same speed. This demonstrates inertia. The tendency of a moving object to keep moving, or of a stationary object to remain at rest. Basically Newtons first law; that a body stationary or moving with constant velocity will want to continue to do so, unless acted on by a force. Lets understand what is happening here. First drive along in your car at 60 km/h on a backstreet with no traffic, then brake gently and slowly. You will notice that the seat belt doesn’t really do much to hold your body. Now do the same again but this time break as quickly and sharply as you can. Your body will be thrown forwards with great force, and your seatbelt will be literally holding you in place. Now your body was what is commonly referred to as being "thrown forwards", however this is not the case. Your body was actually not slowing down much at all and your velocity relative to the car initially was much greater. The car began to slow down due to breaking and your body in accordance with Newtons First law wanted to continue to move at the original constant velocity. Now if your seat belt was not there to provide an opposing force, to your momentum and inertia, by holding you from going forwards, you very likely would have been thrown into the dash or steering wheel. Lets look at this mathematically. m= your mass in kilograms for this purposes 70kg V= final velocity 0 m/s U= initial velocity 60 km/h or 16.6 m/s straight line S= distance taken to stop 42 m t= 3.8 a= -4.368 m/s/s Now your momentum at 60km/h is P=MU So P= 70kg*16.6m/s P=1162 Kg m/s Impulse I=MU/t I=70*16.6/3.8 I=305N So your body will weigh about 610kg when you are breaking hard, a force it is difficult for any person to withstand. Now in the context of a head on accident at around 60km/hr the force exerted on your body is greatly increased. In the event of such an accident it will take the car approximately 0.4 seconds to stop.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Gender Gap In Math Achievement Education Essay

Is There a Gender Gap in Math Achievement and How Can We Explain It?For many old ages the position has been that there exists great difference between the academic public presentation of between work forces and adult females, and particularly within the countries of scientific discipline and mathematics. This gender disparity in instruction within the US has been studied extensively by legion bookmans who have tried to detect if so there are unconditioned capablenesss in both sexes that make them hold differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The claims reported by Spelke ( 2005 ) are that few adult females show the endowments required in the Fieldss of scientific discipline and mathematics, hence there are fewer adult females within these Fieldss. The other position is that the sex differences in these Fieldss are due to the familial base which makes adult females have a smaller intrinsic attitude towards scientific discipline and mathematics. One such survey was carried out by Lawrence Summers when he was at the Harvard University. In his survey he tried to detect if there were any unconditioned capablenesss in both sexes that determined how they performed in both their faculty member and professional Fieldss in scientific discipline and technology. Apart from this research there are a many more researches that have been carried out to mensurate by how much or if there is any biological differences between the sexes that make them execute different in mathematics and scientific discipline. This paper shall discourse the being of the gender differences that drives the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics of work forces and adult females. It is critical to understand the grounds why the difference in gender has been attributed to the cause in the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. This paper shall look into these differences that cut across all age groups, from the school traveling to the college pupils. It has been proposed that the differences that are seen in both adult females and work forces in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics have been associated with the differences in gender. Despite the progresss in the modern western universe there still exist strong societal cultural influences on perceptual experiences of gender and gender functions. Work force and adult females have been made to specify themselves on the footing of the distinguishable psychological and behavioural sensitivities that are associated with the biological maps. Therefore this sensitivity will drive work forces and adult females to act different, execute different undertaking s and do different picks. It is the definition of the individual in footings of maleness and women's rightist that drives them to act ad think as they do. With such thought in head, it becomes progressively hard to hold uniformity in public presentation in work forces and adult females at work and in faculty members. Marini, ( 2010 ) showed that so the greatest influence of this difference is the societal and cultural fluctuations that contribute to the sex differences. In her research biological differences do to some extent affect the behaviour and functions of the sexes, but it is the societal facets that have the greatest part to these differences. The societal structural agreement has made adult females and work forces base their thought and cognitive abilities on biological differences ( Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . This so means that we are normally under the influence of our societal and cultural assignments that define who we are and what we can or can non make. The American society has defined and stratified the functions of the gender. It is this assignment of functions by the society that influences the grade to which the sexes addition and command the resources they have. Often our society has been specifying functions and responsibilities of the sexes based on gender class, for this ground gender differences exist within this society. The society has a strong influence on how work forces and adult females perform in scientific discipline and mathematics because it defines what function, responsibility or assignment is to be fulfilled by each ( Marini, 2010 ) . The adult male in society is superior to the adult females and is assigned tougher functions and responsibilities ; he is seen as the supplier, defender, more bright and has higher rational facets than the adult females ( West & A ; Zimmerman, 2007 ) . It is this societal facet that has given the adult male a male advantage and accordingly expected him to execute better at scientific discipline and mathematics. For this ground the instructors will handle male childs and misss otherwise in scientific discipline and mathematics categories. The ground being such countries of academic survey have been held as hard and ambitious, and merely the work forces can accomplish such feasts ( Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . The instructor will so do the male child feel they need to execute good in these countries and will give their attending and resources to them. On the other manus the instructor will give the miss the perceptual experience that it is non incorrect for them to neglect in the topics, because the instructor does no anticipate them to execute good in these topics. Such positions are still woven elaborately in society where the society and the household influence the type of calling and profession work forces and adult females would take. In Marini ( 2010 ) , adult females are frequently encouraged to take up academic classs and topics that would take them in fostering callings of nursing, instruction and secretarial. Such callings and professions were seen as befitting adult females and give adult females a opportunity to take attention of her household. Mean while the Fieldss of scientific discipline and engineering are left to the work forces, this is because they are perceived to hold the rational capableness to manage the complex mathematics and advanced thoughts behind the Fieldss. It is being noted that there is increased diminution in the differences in scientific discipline and mathematics callings and professions between the genders as we find more adult females within these Fieldss. Recent research workers have shown that while the construction within the these Fieldss have changed with more adult females being found at the helm of such countries, there is still gender stratification in the high school degree, this can be found within surveies like ( Leahey & A ; Guo, 2001 ; Entwisle, Karl & A ; Olson, 2004 ; Spelke, 2005 ; Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ; Baker & A ; Jones, 2006 ) . This difference in gender public presentation has been attributed to the perceptual experience that male childs and misss receive different attendings from their instructors in mathematics categories. This has created the gender spread within the academic Fieldss in America that have driven the differences in public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The survey by Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) tried to demo the extent of the gender differences in mathematics and particularly the different countries like geometry and logical thinking. It has been found that there is a male advantage for those pupils traveling to college within the field of mathematics. In their research they showed that males have a higher public presentation in mathematics in the high school degree and particularly in the college entryway test. The ground why this has been tested is because the high school mathematics has been the key to the pick in faculty members in the college degree and accordingly affects subsequently pick in profession. The ground why the American society has seen important differences in occupational segregation and gender socialisation in the populace sector is due to the gender differences in mathematics public presentation. In Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) we find that this occupational segregation begins in high school mathematics where the scholastic aptitude trial ( SAT ) mathematics is performed better by male than the female. This is the same for the American College Test ( ACT ) mathematics subdivision that is performed better by the male. The same position is held by Entwisle, Karl and Olson ( 2004 ) , who have argued that the being of this disparity has been the cause of the differences within the callings and professional Fieldss. In their analysis it is the differences in the experiences of the male and female that is a beginning of the difference in public presentation in mathematics. The thought is that due to the school environment, male childs and misss will execute otherwise in these topics. They tried to demo this difference existed based on a comparing on simple as compared to the high school experience. In their survey they discovered that the experiences the male childs and misss had while in school affected their public presentation in mathematics. This experience was driven by the school environment where the instructors, disposal, parents and other pupils determine the public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. The pupils have been seen to be under the influence of their parents on the pick of topics, calling and accordingly public presentation. A parent who teaches their kids that they failed in scientific discipline and mathematics and hence does non anticipate the kids to make any better is a factor. Teachers who besides have biased positions towards misss and scientific discipline and mathematics besides drive down the public presentation of such misss. In the school state of affairs equal force per unit area is besides a major driver of public presentation in scientific discipline and mathematics. Entwisle, Karl and Olson ( 2004 ) merely showed that there were experiences from the school and vicinity resources that affected the development of mathematical accomplishments in the pupils. In their survey they revealed that there were contextual facets in the environment that affected the mathematical accomplishments in the male childs more than those in the misss. Male childs are able to react more to the resources in the vicinity than misss can, I the procedure they develop different accomplishments than the misss. Such accomplishments obtained from their milieus have been associated with the mathematical competence of male childs. The ground being that boys spend more of their clip in the vicinity than misss ; hence they are able to pull experience from their milieus than misss. This is because the society limits the geographic expedition capablenesss in misss while it encourages male childs to research more. This is the same position that is held by West & A ; Zimmerman, ( 2007 ) that shows that the Sociocultural facets influences male childs to research their environment more so the misss. Male childs are given the freedom to research and play around the vicinity, while misss were encouraged to remain at place. It is this geographic expedition that helps boys to develop better spatial and numerical abilities that see them execute better in mathematics. The experience within the vicinity and their milieus assist them farther develop their spacial accomplishments more than misss. Spatial accomplishments can merely develop if one is able to pattern them frequently, where the best country to make so is in the field. This difference in accomplishments is besides explained by Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) , who showed that both misss and male childs have different mathematical accomplishments. Males have an advantage over misss in certain mathematical countries like their ability to quantitatively ground and do usage of spacial visual image abilities ( Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ) . This same spacial accomplishments and concluding capablenesss are obtained by the male childs from their environment in which they are allowed to play in. since the misss do non hold the same equal playing field their logical thinking and spacial accomplishments are non good developed like those of the male childs. The same explains why males have better mathematical logical thinking and geometry accomplishments than misss. Leahey and Guo ( 2001 ) besides supported Entwisle, Karl and Olsonaa‚Â ¬a„?s ( 2004 ) theory with the determination that it is at the simple degree that these accomplishments are developed . The conducive factor is the socialisation procedure that the misss and male childs go through as they develop and learn at the simple age. Apart from socialisation the differences in mathematics public presentation has besides been associated with the cognitive differences in males and females. It has been argued that it is these cognitive differences that have enabled work forces to execute better at mathematics than adult females. Spelke ( 2005 ) associated this knowledge to the ability for work forces from the beginning to concentrate on objects that make them able to larn mechanical systems. As was seen by other surveies, Spelke ( 2005 ) besides supports that the spacial, concluding and numerical differences in work forces give them the ability to manage mathematical jobs. This is the 2nd factor that affects the cognitive differences between work forces and adult females. Another decisive factor is the variableness of the knowledge of males that give them that border needed in mathematics. It has been propose that the ground males perform better in mathematics is due to the sensitivity for them to larn about objects and the mechanical interactions in them from an early age. This sensitivity tends to do the adult females to switch towards larning about people and their emotional interactions. This interaction is seen more in ulterior life at the ages of school traveling kids instead than in babies ( Spelke, 2005 ) . This can be attributed to the socialisation of the kid that will do them levitate towards their gender assigned drama playthings and play subjects. Spelke ( 2005 ) proved that when speech production of the difference in knowledge there is no pronounced differences between babies. These disparities can be explained by the factors that are at drama when male childs and misss are developing. It is a complex state of affairs if knowledge is to be associated with the differences in mathematical public presentation of male childs and misss ( Gallagher & A ; Kaufman, 2005 ) . Given the same experience misss and male childs will get the same accomplishments and cognition in mathematics, demoing that knowledge and biological temperament has nil to make with the differences. This can merely be explained by Williams, Birke and Bendelow ( 2003 ) where the factors at drama are the implicit in interplay of biological capablenesss and environmental influences. This interplay of factors is the determiner of how the cognitive and accomplishments abilities in mathematics of work forces and adult females develop and accordingly differ. It is the society that has the greatest impact on the differences between male childs and misss public presentation in mathematics. The socialisation interactions of both male childs and misss are the ground why their cognitive abilities develop different signifier each other. Towards this terminal, Williams, Birke and Bendelow ( 2003 ) supports old surveies that have shown that the socialisation procedure is the predominate determiner of the differences in public presentation in mathematic. They have shown that there exist different interventions for both male childs and misss in our society from the place, school and workplace. In the procedure our gender is under the influence of civilization, where gender functions and responsibilities are defined by the same civilization. The position is that it is the societal statements that fuel scientific positions that so there are gender disparities in spacial and cognitive abilities of the sexes. Harmonizing to West and Zimmerman ( 2007 ) , it is the facet of work forces and adult females making gender functions and seeking to carry through gender that gives the differences in accomplishment in mathematics. The facet of seeking to be gender gives the work forces and adult females the ability to develop competences and recognize productivity that is based on the societal restraints. The societal construction thrusts worlds to hold a perceptual experience, interactions, and accomplishments that are based on societal complexnesss. This societal facet influences the unconscious determination by may adult females to go forth scientific discipline and mathematics callings and take up other Fieldss. Such societal complexnesss define how adult females and work forces perceive themselves in footings of their calling and professional development. The outlook of those who engage stop up in the Fieldss of scientific discipline and mathematics is that they have to set in more hours in the office, where they have to hold flexible agendas that can react to the eventualities of their occupations. Within his model, the callings in scientific discipline and mathematics will drive them to demo a continued attempt in their life rhythm, where the head is invariably working on jobs during and after working hours ( Summers, 2005 ) . The image promoted is that such callings drive work forces and adult females to demo a high degree of committedness to the work. For this ground, many work forces are ready to give this committedness with fewer adult females preferring to take up callings that can give them clip for the household. With such a perceptual experience in topographic point many misss wil l pay less attending to mathematics as compared to the male childs, giving the differences in public presentation ( Summers, 2005 ) . This societal perceptual experience of what one should anticipate if they follow a certain field has been one of the drive forces behind the differences in public presentation of work forces and adult females. Work force from an early age are expected to carry through their masculine functions as the suppliers and defenders. For this ground, the inclination is that work forces will take up callings and professions that can reflect this. Like was seen in West & A ; Zimmerman ( 2001 ) and Marini ( 2010 ) . These pigeonholing functions are still present in modern America and have been described extensively by Summers ( 2005 ) as the cause of the pick of callings by adult females. Such gender stereotyping besides influences how work forces and adult females perform in mathematics and scientific discipline. With a deficiency of involvement in scientific discipline and mathematics as a calling for the adult females, many will non set much attempt in these academic countries. Their involvem ent will be in the societal, linguistic communication and art faculty members where they excel and seek to hardly acquire a base on balls in the scientific discipline and mathematics countries. Often the society will wonder and inquire at adult females who excels in these Fieldss, with remarks to the consequence that she is tough being directed to her. It is the gender societal concepts that have shaped the perceptual experience of misss of scientific discipline and mathematics and have influenced their public presentation in these countries. As we develop our perceptual experience of gender is shaped by the society that defines who we are, what we can make. Therefore the differences in public presentation in male childs and misss mathematics and scientific discipline are under the influence of the societal cultural factors. These have in consequence created an environment where capablenesss and abilities are limited by the socially assigned gender functions.